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Looking for an anwser to a simple question?  Look here, we probablly already have the anwser for you.


Do I need a library card?


There are many library services that do not require a library card such as browsing & reading. However, to be able to check out books, audio books, and use the computers, you must have a library card.


How do I get a library card?


Library cards are free to residents of Comanche County and all Elgin and surrounding community addresses. Simply fill out an application at the circulation desk and provide proof of residency. Valid forms of identification include a driver’s license, voter ID, tax statement, and/or current bill showing current address. Children aged 5-15 may have their own library card with parental signature. Any and all fines must be paid before library cards will be issued.


After I apply for a card how long do I have to wait to get it?


Your library card will be active for you the same day that you sign up for one


When do I have to return the items I’ve checked out?


The check-out period for all materials is two (2) weeks.




How many books or audio books can I check out?


Patrons are limited to twenty (20) items per card. Only one (1) Hotspot or Launchpad may be checked out per household. 

What if I don’t get the book or other items returned on time?


Overdue books and audio books are fined $.05 per item per day. There is a three (3) day grace period. If items are not returned by the start of the fourth day, fines are assessed from day one. Overdue movies are fined $0.50 per item per day with no grace period. Hotspots, Launchpads or E-Readers are fined $2 per item per day with no grace period. Persons with overdue items, fines, and/or damages will not be permitted to check out library materials or use the public use computers until the amount owed is paid.


What happens if a book or material I’ve checked out gets damaged or lost?


If an item is designated lost or damaged, the replacement cost will be charged.


Do I need a library card to use the computers?


Yes, unless it is a one-time use. (just moving to town, traveling through town, etc)


How long can I use a computer?


Computer users will be limited to one hour. If there is no body waiting to use the computer, patrons may continue using it at the librarians discretion.


Can I print from the library’s computers?


Yes, the charge for prints is $0.25 and color prints are $0.75 per page.


Can I renew my books online?


Yes, go to either the link on this website or download the app Atriuum On the Go to your mobile device. You can renew your books, reserve a book, or edit a certain amount of your contact information.

Do you offer e-books?


Yes, go to either the Overdrive Virtual Library link on this website or check with the librarian on how to load to your device. This service is free for our patrons, however, if you have an expired card, overdue books or fines, you won’t be able to use this program until these things are corrected.


© 2021 by Elgin Community Library. 

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